We recently announced that Tizeti has launched its WifiCall.ng Unlimited Voice Service, a modern voice infrastructure for Africa that leverages our expertise in building unlimited data networks.
Our Strategy
Over the last couple of years, we have been laser focused on providing an affordable, sustainable unlimited internet Service. We are making great progress in Lagos, Nigeria and are now extending service outside of Lagos.
Africa is currently at the stage where voice calls between multiple users is growing and requires the purchase of multiple devices and voice plans to meet its demand. This increases the cost and complexity for managing communication within the group.
We are solving this problem by offering disruptive unlimited voice plans to enable more modern communication channels over existing Wifi and LTE networks without the need for a SIM card. In the last quarter, we have already delivered over 500k minutes with our Beta product and have saved multiple business millions of Naira ahead of the launch.
WifiCall.ng provides immense benefits to its subscriber:
A residential consumer with existing internet connection can make hi-quality crystal clear calls at cheaper costs when there is limited or no access to a free OTT service like Skype or Whatsapp. Our customers can access our service on any platform including the Wificall.ng IOS or android mobile app, a physical phone already available on your LTE modems from your current internet provider, web callback on our portal or on twitter via our @wificallng social media handle.
A multi-tenant residential development or gated community can utilize Wificall.ng to eliminate or reduce their closed user group costs for voice calls within their community.
A small business owner has access to world class PBX features like extensions, queues, IVR (“Welcome to XYZ Limited, Press 1 to speak to the receptionist etc”) which is currently available only to large enterprises due to the setup cost. Our WifiCall.ng portal allows them manage multiple employee plans over a simple to use portal to make payments, set call limits etc at no additional costs outside your plan.
They also can list their business in our AI-powered directory that provides business recommendation to users based on how often they are called across our WifiCall.NG Network.
Large Enterprise customers can run a scalable call center or PBX with IP Phones using our cloud based WifiCall.ng Voice Network.
A Mobile Network Operator can license WifiCall.ng cloud infrastructure to extend their mobile network to the next generation IP based network.
I am particularly excited by the innovative products that will be built using our WifiCall API’s by Nigeria’s thriving startup companies. Startups can utilize our Wificall Login code API to authenticate users using voice calls when sms verification fails. They could also integrate it into Slack to get call notification directly using Webhooks. The sky is the limit and who knows one day a startup could utilize our SDK’s to make a Nigerian SIRI or Alexa that understands Nigerian voices and our nuances better.
My Inspiration:
I was in the final year of the university when the Telcos launched their service and I watched how Africa took the lead and leapfrogged existing land lines. Fast-forward a few years and we have lost the lead due to lack of innovation. If anything we are retrogressing with the new push with 1st Generation USSD technology. WifiCall.ng is to kick start the innovation revolution and move towards IP based Voice networks ahead of 5G.
It also allows our industry focus on building and scaling their existing data networks to make it more resilient to support the increased data usage with IP Voice.
Today is Day one & Version 1 of the voice service and we will take your feedback and improve the product over time. We will continue to grow, leverage our partnerships to impact lives and solve communication problems.
Onwards and Upwards!
Kendall Ananyi
CEO, Tizeti (YC W17)
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